Updated: 12. 8. 2021

You can also buy long-term coupons in the PID Lítačka application

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Users of the PID Lítačka mobile application can purchase long-term time coupons directly on mobile phone.

All users of the PID Lítačka application can upload a long-term time coupon to a mobile phone and identify themselves only during the transport check via the mobile phone screen. A long-term coupon can also be purchased in the mobile application. This solution is another step to improve the PID Lítačka application, which is a complete tool for traveling in Prague Integrated Transport. "Our long-term goal is for the PID Lítačka mobile application becomes a complete replacement for a plastic card. Therefore, I am glad that users can purchase time coupons directly in this mobile application, in addition to one-time tickets. In the future, we are also planning an information campaign directly at points of sale to raise awareness of the benefits of a mobile application. I believe it is good to give people the opportunity not to have to wait in lines, when they can arrange everything via a smartphone in a short time, "said the mayor of Prague, Zdeněk Hřib, regarding the new functionality. To purchase one-off tickets, which can be purchased via the PID Lítačka application since August 2018, since February 2020 there has been an opportunity to purchase long-term time coupons with a few clicks, i.e., coupons valid from one month to one year. "The launch of a new function in the PID Lítačka mobile application is one of the next steps leading to the modernization of the method of handling and reducing the costs of issuing Lítačka plastic cards. Since last December, all Praguers, Central Bohemians and tourists have been able to buy a ticket with a mobile phone on more than 3 000 devices from 26 carriers that are part of Prague Integrated Transport. By enabling the purchase of long-term coupons via the mobile application, we are continuing the set digitization, which makes it as easy as possible to travel by public transport in Prague and the Central Bohemian Region," Adam Scheinherr, Deputy Mayor of Prague for Transport, added the purchase of long-term coupons in the PID Lítačka application. In the first day alone, since the launch of the option to purchase a long-term time coupon in the mobile application, by 50 per cent more long-term coupons were purchased via mobile phones than at the counters in the Škoda Palace. "We are pleased with the great interest of passengers in this novelty and it is clear that the people of Prague had been waiting for this service and therefore did not hesitate to use it from the first day after its launch. Even the very possibility of transferring a long-term coupon to a mobile application, of which we have registered more than 250 000 since launch in December 2019, only proves that the direction of digitalization that urban transport is heading is the right one," added Michal Fišer, CEO of ICT Operator, in charge of the operation and development of the regional transport system PID Lítačka. Passengers can download the PID Lítačka mobile application for free on the App Store and Google Play.