Updated: 13. 9. 2024

PID Tariff Changes


Since 1. 8. 2021 changes in Prague Integrated Transport Tariff have come into effect. Central-Bohemian Region concerning the income loss caused by the coronavirus pandemic approached the fare increase in public transport by 25%.

The adjustments affect one-time tickets as well as prepay coupons. Because Prague and Central-Bohemian Region transport systems are mutually interconnected, fare rates per particular ride were adjusted also in the Prague area. Prepay coupons prices with the most favourable, i.e. the yearlong prepay coupon for 3,650 CZK nevertheless stay preserved as well as the reset of current discounts for respective age groups. The claims proving system is being simplified for these discounts (except for PID trains). By contrast, people with material penury who are subsistence subsidy beneficiaries in Prague will provide with a 70% discount for prepaying fare to overcome the pandemic-related ado.

Leaflet for PID Tariff changes

Leaflet for the material penury for CMT

More information at the PIT web: https://pid.cz/zmenatarifu/